Ruslan Zheldibai
В 1995 году я закончила Казахскую Государственную Академию Управлению, и благодарна тому времени и эпохе за особую атмосферу и опыт, который я получила в стенах университета. Возможно, именно привязанность к своей альма-матер побудила меня остаться в университете и начать карьеру с преподавания.
Проработав год преподавателем на кафедре «Международные отношения», я узнала насколько важно и нужно общение с молодежью, понимание их потребностей и интересов.
Знания, приобретенные в университете, а также преподавательский опыт помогли мне в дальнейшем карьерном развитии. В 1996 году я стала помощником Торгового Советника в Торговой палате Финляндии в Республике Казахстан. Финляндия – страна, известная своими инновационными решениями в совершенно разных областях экономики. Работа на данной позиции дала мне неоценимый опыт в ведении переговоров, нетворкинге и просто умении общаться с разными людьми.
Позднее мы с подругой решили начать свой бизнес, и на протяжении всего этого времени мы успешно развиваем сеть бутиков в Алматы и Астане по продаже одежды известных мировых дизайнеров.
Более 10 лет назад я нашла то, что считаю своим главным предназначением. Дело, которым я занимаюсь по сегодняшний день - Благотворительный Фонд «Дара», миссией которого является реализация проектов, направленных на улучшение условий жизни и расширение возможностей развития детей-сирот, детей с ограниченными возможностями и больных детей. Свою деятельность Фонд осуществляет через детские образовательные и медицинские учреждения, детские дома, а также школы-интернаты для детей с ограниченными возможностями.
В работе Фонда нашими приоритетами являются доступ к услугам образования и развития для детей с особыми потребностями, инклюзивные подходы в обществе и образовании, социализация воспитанников детских домов и развитие талантов. Но не менее важным мы считаем развитие в обществе цивилизованной культуры благотворительности, чтобы помощь каждого становилась не милостыней, а инвестицией, имеющей четкую цель, конкретный результат и устойчивость!
За эти годы нам удалось значительно расширить сеть кабинетов коррекции в регионах, мы запустили открытие ресурсных центров при школах для детей с особыми потребностями в образовании – это важный этап по поддержке инклюзивного образования в школах, и еще много работы в будущем.
Наш проект по социализации детей-сирот «Наставники» помогает сформировать длительные доверительные отношения между наставниками и детьми, что способствует поддержке процесса выхода ребят в самостоятельную жизнь. И мы также расширяем деятельность этого проекта географически.
У нас еще много работы впереди – и я хотела бы призвать Вас, выпускников Университета Нархоз, умных, талантливых, креативных и профессиональных, присоединиться к нам и быть адептами умной благотворительности!
Поздравляю Вас с окончанием университета, желаю Вам найти своё место в жизни, посвятить себя любимому делу, достигать всех целей и покорять намеченные вершины!
Университет Нархоз имеет многолетнюю и славную историю. Отрадно, что мне довелось учиться в стенах данного Университета. Опыт и талант профессорско-преподавательского состава, внимательное отношение к обучению студентов, верность традициям во многом определили и мой жизненный путь, и судьбы многих выпускников.
Являясь одним из ведущих вузов страны, Университет готовит высококвалифицированных и конкурентоспособных специалистов, составляющих элиту современного социально-экономического, технического и правового сообщества, способных решать любые задачи, продиктованные потребностями стремительно развивающейся экономики нашей страны!
Моя студенческая жизнь в этих стенах прошла интересно и очень бурно. С первых же дней я начал активно включаться во все общественные инициативы Университета, участвовал в научно-исследовательской работе кафедры, что во многом предопределило мое будущее.
Я очень горжусь, что Университет Нархоз является уникальным вузом, который ориентирован в будущее и готов предложить новым поколениям студентов самые инновационные программы и самое современное знание.
Искренне желаю любимому и родному Университету долгих лет и процветания, новых побед и новых надежд!
Я закончил Казахскую Государственную Академию Управления в 1996 году по специальности «Международные Экономические Отношения». Обучение в ВУЗе заложило во мне фундамент к дальнейшему продвижению и построению карьеры.
Закончил аспирантуру и в 2006 г. защитил степень кандидата экономических наук в этом же ВУЗе. Я безмерно благодарен Академии за полученные знания и опыт.
Свою трудовую деятельность я начал в 1996 году референтом Исполнительного комитета Межгосударственного совета Центральной Азии, после чего перешел на должность в Центральный аппарат Министерства иностранных дел РК. Вместе с этим решил продолжить образование по специальности и совершенствовать полученные знания в Университет Оклахомы, США и Венской дипломатической академии, Австрия. Повысив свою квалификацию, я занял должность атташе по экономическим вопросам в Посольстве РК в США.
Получив такой дифференцированный опыт в разных странах и университетах, я решил сделать своей целью совершенствование системы образования в Казахстане, но также и не забывал об экономической значимости. Поэтому в течение пяти лет, начиная с 2002 года, я являлся координатором проектов Всемирного банка по Центральной Азии в области инфраструктуры, финансовых рынков и образования и участвовал в разработке государственной программы развития образования Республики.
После чего, вплоть до 2009 года работал в Национальном аналитическом центре при Правительстве и Национальном банке РК, курируя вопросы экономического развития, финансов и образования. С 2011 по 2013 гг обучалсе по программе докторантуры Университета Пеннсильвании США и получил степень доктора.
Благодаря продвижению по карьерной лестнице и стремлению к улучшению системы образования, воглавил команду по созданию АО «Назарбаев Университет» и был его первым президентом. Считаю важным стремление учащихся к участию в различных проектах, олимпиадах, поддержанию высокой успеваемости и реализации себя как специалиста на рынке.
С 2013 по 2016 годы занимал должность Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан. В рамках своей деятельности мы старались сделать систему образования максимально доступной и понятной, но в то же время готовить конкурентоспособных в будущем учеников, которые идут в ногу со временем и умело пользуются новыми информационными технологиями. Наш новый стандарт был направлен на превращение учащегося в коммуникабельного, способного ясно выражать свое мнение и презентовать свои идеи, а также способного легко ориентироваться в новом пространстве.
В настоящее время я продолжаю свою деятельность в области финансов и образования, как среднего, так и высшего. Являясь президентом «Назарбаев Фонда» и членом попечительского совета «Назарбаев Университет» и «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы», мы стараемся вывести преподаваемые у нас программы на первые позиции, тем самым подняв уровень качества и конкурентоспособности образования в стране и на мировой арене. Одновременно являюсь членом Совета Ассоциации финансистов Казахстана.
Выпускники, вы являетесь продуктом совместной нашей и вашей работы, и я хотел бы, чтобы Вы оставались примером для последующего поколения и всегда были гордостью Нархоза. Я призываю Вас развивать в себе такие качества, как трудолюбие, креативность, желание постоянно развиваться и обучаться чему-то новому. Нархозу же я желаю следовать в ногу со временем и новыми технологиями и делать все возможное для выпуска профессионально подготовленных специалистов!
В 1996 году, закончив Казахскую Государственную Академию Управления по специальности «Финансы и кредит», я начал свою трудовую деятельность в Аппарате Акима Медеуского района города Алматы. Первые шаги на разных должностях Медеуской администрации, позволили мне выработать в себе навыки государственного менеджера, участвующего в жизнедеятельности всего государственного аппарата города Алматы. Занимаясь вопросами практически от ликвидации стихийных свалок до вывода из кризисного состояния промышленных предприятий района, мы - выпускники Нархоза имели существенные преимущества перед другими консервативными специальностями того времени.
С 1999 практически до 2006 года мне захотелось заняться научно – педагогической деятельностью, чтобы укрепить и усовершенствовать свои знания полученные в Нархозе, являлся старшим преподавателем кафедры «Финансовый учет и бизнес» в Алматинском Государственном Технологическом Университете. Мною были охвачены все экономические дисциплины, необходимые для создания нормально функционирующего предприятия. Параллельно участвовал в некоторых инженерных разработках компании FAS Правительства Ирландии в городе Дублин, после – в Министерстве экономики РК, главным специалистом Департамента внешнеэкономической политики.
В 2004 году заочно окончил Атырауский Институт Нефти и Газа, после чего начал работу Директором базы поддержки морских нефтяных операций на Кашагане. Работая в компании АО «Казмортрансфлот» наша база разрабатывала и отправляла собственным флотом практически весь материал для строительства искусственных островов на северной части Каспийского шельфа. По завершению проекта был переведен Директором департамента развития инфраструктурных проектов в АО НК «КазМунайГаз». Далее продолжил деятельность в нефтегазовой отрасли, перейдя на должность Заместителя Генерального директора и члена правления ТОО «Азиатский газопровод».
В 2013 году возглавил Правление ТОО «DarRusEnergy». Нашей целью было развитие ветроэнергетического потенциала Казахстана для производства электроэнергии и сохранение природных ресурсов и окружающей среды. Мы постарались привлечь максимум инвестиций в ветроэнергетику Казахстана в целях поддержки сельской ветроэнергетики, развития научно-технической и промышленной базы. Нашей основной задачей также является международное сотрудничество и привлечение рынка капиталов в новые проекты.
В 2017 году совместно с эмиратовскими партнерами мы создали «EMIRATES KAZAKHSTAN EDUCATION INVESTMENT GROUP» с целью инвестиционной поддержки образования в нашей стране.
Я желаю выпускникам Нархоза найти свое призвание, не бояться рисковать и создавать новое и помнить, что их альма-матер всегда будет помнить о них и гордиться их успехами!
В детстве, когда мне было всего 5 лет, отец часто брал меня с собой на работу и как говорит мне мой отец, я каждый раз заглядывал в бухгалтерию и экономический отдел предприятия, поскольку с детства любил считать деньги и делать покупки самостоятельно. Мои родители до сих пор вспоминают, как я в детстве говорил, что я стану экономистом, буду богатым человеком. Еще со школьных времен у меня никогда не было колебаний при выборе университета и специальности. Так, после окончания школы я поступил на факультет экономики Казахского экономического университета имени Т.Рыскулова.
В стенах университета был активистом и лидером среди студенческой молодежи, состоял в комитете по делам молодежи университета и участвовал в различных университетских мероприятиях. Окончил университет в 2008 году с отличием, с высоким баллом GPA (3.77 из 4.00).
После окончания университета я получил предложение поработать в Департаменте развития АО «Энергоинформ», специалистом в области корпоративного управления, интегрированной системы менеджмента и риск менеджмента. Позже, я получил приглашение поработать в группе компаний энергетического холдинга АО «Самрук – Энерго» в качестве корпоративного секретаря и осуществлять надзор за надлежащей практикой корпоративного управления.
За время работы в компаниях принимал непосредственное участие в процессе внедрения системы корпоративного управления, внедрения системы управления рисками основанной на лучшей мировой практике (COSO).
Принимал участие в развитии рейтинга корпоративного управления в АО «Алатау Жарык Компаниясы», путем применения лучших практик корпоративного управления, основываясь на Кодексе корпоративного управления Великобритании и требованиях ведущих мировых фондовых бирж. Результатом проделанной работы может служить повышение рейтинга корпоративного управления с 36.5 до 62.0 рейтингового пункта.
Кроме того, принимал участие в определении параметров выпуска и выпуска первой облигационной программы АО «Алатау Жарык Компаниясы» на сумму 10 830 000 000 (десять миллиардов восемьсот тридцать миллионов) тенге на площадке казахстанской фондовой биржи (KASE).
Также принимал активное участие в определении условий выпуска и выпуска облигаций АО «Мойнакская гидроэлектростанция» на сумму 47 000 000 000 (сорок семь миллиардов) тенге на площадке Международного финансового центра «Астана».
В настоящее я являюсь Корпоративным секретарем АО «Алатау Жарык Компаниясы», а также по совместительству Корпоративным секретарем АО «Мойнакская гидроэлектростанция» и работаю над обеспечением своевременного и качественного принятия корпоративных решений со стороны Совета директоров и единственного акционера, обеспечении эффективного взаимодействия Совета директоров, исполнительного органа с единственным акционером.
В стенах нашего Альма-матера я приобрел много друзей, получил фундаментальные знания, а самое главное получил путевку в жизнь. Наблюдая за тем, как меняется наш родной Нархоз, я безумной радуюсь успехам университета и горжусь, что я явлюсь выпускником знаменитого Нархоза. Я желаю моему родному университету процветания, достижения всех поставленных целей и войти в рейтинг лучших университетов мира.
Жить в быстро меняющемся мире значит уметь быстро и качественно принимать решения. Выпускникам Нархоза я желаю быть смелыми при принятии решений и идти в ногу со временем и самое главное не сомневаться в себе.
Saule Zhakayeva graduated from the Narxoz University (back then - the Kazakh State Academy of Management named after T. Ryskulov) with a degree in Finance and Credit, has a master's degree from the French business school HEC Paris and the International Academy of Business (now Almaty Management University).
With over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, Saule Zhakayeva joined JSC Citibank Kazakhstan in 2001, where at various times she was responsible for all operations with banking products, including settlement and cash services and documentary operations, trading financing, custodial and financial services, and for doing business in Kazakhstan, including corporate banking and global account management. Since 2004, Saule has been Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Citibank Kazakhstan.
In 2021, Citibank Kazakhstan announced the appointment of Saule Zhakayeva as Chairman of the Board. She replaced Andrei Kurilin in this post.
Saule Magauievna often conducts guest lectures with Narxoz students, answering their questions and telling the children about Citibank and its role in the economy of Kazakhstan.
In 1972 he graduated from the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov with a degree in "Historian, teacher of social sciences." In 1980 he graduated from the Narxoz University (back then the Almaty Institute of National Economy) with a degree in "Economist-financier", and in 1990 graduated from the Almaty Institute of Political Science and the Department of Political Science.
Labor activity began in 1996 as an apprentice at electricians and locksmiths. Demonstrating his activity and hard work, he was appointed the first secretary of the Kalinin district committee, the first secretary of the Almaty city committee of the LCYUK. In 1994, he held the post of Minister of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 1997 to 2017 worked with the Chairman of the Board of the National Fund for Cultural Support.
For his services to the State, he was awarded the Orders of the “Badge of Honor”, “Құрмет (Honor)”, and “Парасат (Wisdom)”.
Malov Alexander Nikolaevich
Alexander Malov graduated from Narxoz University in 2011 with a degree in Economics.
In 2004 Alexander Malov headed the representative of the Dutch grain trading corporation "Vitalmar Agro Kazakhstan", which for the last 12 years has been one of the most successful and well-known traders in the market of Kazakhstan.
In 2017. He was appointed General Director of VKZ-Agro. Alexander Malov is the head of the Committee for Trade of the Grain Union of Kazakhstan.
Also, Alexander actively shares his experience in the agro-industrial complex and operations on grain exports with students of Narxoz during lectures. The measures taken to develop the infrastructure of the grain market are aimed at maximizing the realization of the export potential of Kazakhstan's grain.
She graduated from Narxoz University (then - Almaty Institute of National Economy), Turan University, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. PhD in Political Science.
In subsequent years, she worked as an engineer-economist of the South-Kazakhstan regional state insurance, an engineer-economist, a senior economist of the Kokshetau city executive committee. She held senior positions in the self-supporting economic group in Kokshetau, Tlektes LLP, AVZ-007 LLP.
Since 2008, she has been the chairman of the Public Association “Union of Women Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan”.
In 2001, she completed an internship in the USA under the SABIT program. Upon returning, she was appointed chairman of the Center for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship (on a voluntary basis), President of the ALE Business Association of Women Entrepreneurs "Asia".
За свои труды, награждена медалью «Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 10 жыл», Қазақстан Республикасының Құрмет грамотасы, «Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 20 жыл», почетной грамотой ПА ОДКБ, юбилейной медалью «Қазақстан Контитуциясына 20 жыл», орденом «Құрмет», «Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 25 жыл».
For her work, she was awarded a medal “Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 10 жыл (10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”, Certificate of honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 20 жыл (20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”, honorary diploma of the PA CSTO, Anniversary medal “Қазақстан Контитуциясына 20 жыл (20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan)”, Order “Құрмет (Honor)”, “Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 25 жыл (25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”.
Iskakov Aziz is a graduate of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after. D. Serikbaeva (2015, undergraduate) with a degree in Information Systems, Narxoz University (2018, undergraduate) with a degree in Economics, and Ural State Economic University (2019, master’s) with a degree in Project and Program Management.
Previously, he served as executive director of the Kazakhstan Institute of Social Research. He is also a member of the council of Toraigyrov University and Pavlodar Pedagogical University. He conducted various researches and worked in various positions at the Institute of Economic Research, the Institute of Eurasian Assessment, Zerde Holding and the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Held production and administrative positions in the subdivisions of the Kazakhmys Corporation and the Kazakhstan Mint.
Over the years, he acted as a consultant, national expert in projects of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" and other Kazakhstani and international organizations.
By the order of the Chairman of the Board of NJSC “Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development “Rukhani Zhangyru” Iskakov Aziz Yerzhanovich was appointed to the position of Director of Research Center “Molodezh” LLP.
In 1989 he was educated in the Almaty-Ata branch of the Ust-Kamenogorsk construction and road institute. In 1999 he graduated from Narxoz University (back then the Kazakh State Academy of Management). In 2002, He completed the graduate school of the Research Institute of Building Materials was completed. Doctor of Technical Sciences.
His scientific, literary works and publications include 2 monographs, more than 40 published scientific papers, 4 copyright certificates and patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for inventions, which are introduced at the factory of ceramic blocks “Saulet” LLP of Almaty region (Kazakhstan) and at the Tolyatti brick factory (Russia) As well as 14 patents for inventions and 3 issued solutions for the preliminary patent for the invention of plants protection and mineral fertilizers, which are introduced into the “Agro-industrial concern “Sunkar”” LLP, the South Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
To Dinmukhamet Idrisov belongs the “Казахстанские коммунальные системы (Kazakhstan utilities)” LLP, leading activities in the Turkestan, Karaganda, Mangistau and East Kazakhstan regions. He has a share in “KazAzot” LLP, JSC “Ushkuyu”, JSC “Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant”, JSC Kundybai Mining, “Mining Company “Keregetas”” LLP.
He is included in the Forbes rating as one of the 50 influential businessmen in Kazakhstan. He is a member of the presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", the chairman of the supervisory board of the "Kazakhstan utility systems" company, a member of the board of trustees of AlmaU. Dinmuhamet Appazovich was awarded state awards and orders "Kurmet" (2005) and "Parasat" (2011).
In 1996, he graduated from the Narxoz University (back then - the Kazakh State Academy of Management), the specialty "Finance and Credit".
From 1999 to 2006 He was engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, while participating in some engineering developments of the Irish company "FAS", after that He worked as the chief specialist of the Department of Foreign Economic Policy at the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 2016 He is the Chairman of the Board of “Darrus Energy” LLP. Since 2017, the official partner of “Emirates Kazakhstan Education Investment Group”.
Ruslan Bakhytzhanovich is the author of more than 50 scientific articles, textbooks, monographs.
Scientific activities are related to research in the field of economic and environmental and social condition of the oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan. This is the development of priority areas for the development of the oil refining industry, the modernization and creation of petrochemical gas processing industries; prediction of the rational placement of the transport system objects; Ways to solve environmental and economic problems in the development strategy of the oil and gas industry, as well as the study of the influence of the oil and gas complex on the state of the social sphere, etc.
He graduated with honors from the Narxoz University (back then - Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy (AINE)) in 1982, having received a specialty "Engineer-economist". Further academic path led Kadyrzhan Damitov to the graduate school of the Moscow Financial Institute, where he was awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences after successful protection of the thesis.
He began his career in 1984 as a teacher of the Moscow Financial Institute. After that, he successfully engaged in scientific and teaching activities in the AINE and Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, worked as a researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. From 1991 to 1994, he worked as the main economist, the head of the sector, the deputy head of the Office, and then the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of AB "Alem Bank Kazakhstan". In 1994, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, later he was appointed Vice Minister of Economics and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
He held high positions such as Advisor of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From October, 1999 to May, 2000 he worked as an adviser to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kadyrzhan Kabdoshevich was a member of the Board of Directors (Independent Director) JSC Fund of Sustainable Development "Kazyna", Chairman of the Board of JSC National Company Social-Entrepreneurial Corporation "Ertіs", President of JSC “Kazakhstan Stock Exchange”, President of JSC "BTA Bank ", A member of the Board of Directors of JSC “BTA Bank” - a representative of JSC National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna".
For a huge length of service and an invaluable contribution to the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded the medal "Ерен Еңбегі үшін (For the hard work)" in 2001, the Order "Parasat" in 2011.
Alibek Nurbekov graduated from Narxoz University in international economics in 2002 (back then - Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov). He received an additional bachelor's degree in law from the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in 2009 and then a master's degree in oil and gas management from the Geneva Institute of International Relations and Development in Switzerland in 2013.
Fluent in Russian, English, Spanish, Turkish and French.
He worked as Deputy Head of the Regional Financial Center of Almaty and the Islamic Finance Development Department at the NBK, also served as Deputy Head of the NBK Financial Stability Department, became a full member of IFSB, AAOIFI and IIFM. He is a scholarship holder of the prestigious Edward A. Mason program, and studied for a master's degree in public administration at Harvard Kennedy School. Currently, he is the head of the AIFC Hub for Islamic Finance and Business.
Alibek Nurbekov often conducts online sessions and seminars with Narxoz graduates, guiding them to success and conscientious work in various fields.
Baurzhan Kenesbekovich graduated from the Narxoz University (then - the Kazakh State Academy of Management) in 2000 with a degree in International Economic Relations. He was actively engaged in entrepreneurial activities, acted as the head of a number of companies, which were later transformed into the TSC Group Corporation. Subsequently, the corporation was reorganized into the investment and industrial corporation ZHERSU, which employs more than 2,000 people.
Today, Baurzhan Ospanov holds the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IEC ZHERSU LLP. Included in the rating of "TOP-50 most influential businessmen of Kazakhstan by Forbes magazine" (44th place).
At the same time, Baurzhan Kenesbekovich is the Vice President of the Boxing and Wrestling Federation of Kazakhstan. In 2006, on his initiative, the annual literary award "Daraboz" for children's writers was established.
Dania Yespayeva graduated from the Narxoz University (then - the Kazakh State Academy of Management) in 1993 with a degree in economics.
Her banking career began in 1982. Over the years, Daniya Madievna has held positions from senior economist to director in the Aktobe branches of the State Bank of the USSR, Promstroybank, Turan SO, BTA Bank JSC and Kazkommertsbank JSC - a total of 34 years of experience , of which 17 years in a managerial position.
For more than 14 years, Dania Espayeva has been a member of the commission on family and women's affairs under the regional city council. Actively participates in the public and political life of the region as a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a member of the Committee on Finance and Budget.
Dania Madievna has multiple awards for her active participation in the socio-political life of the region and for her services to the development of the region's economy. In 2011, she was awarded the State Award - the Kurmet Order, a medal for the 20th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, a medal for the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, and the Public Medal "The Best Financier" for her contribution to the development of the financial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Madina Erasylovna graduated from Narxoz University (then - the Kazakh State Academy of Management) in 1999 with a degree in International Economic Relations. In 2003, she successfully completed her MA in International Relations from Columbia University, and in 2011 from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Since 1999, Madina Erasylovna worked at the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Strategic Planning, and then in 2003 she was appointed head of the strategic planning department of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A year later, she was assigned to lead the Department of Public Policy Analysis, which expresses a high degree of trust and recognition of her merits and qualifications. Today she holds the position of Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the regulation and development of the financial market.
Madina Abylkasymova was awarded the Kurmet order, as well as the medals "10 years of Astana", "20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "For labor distinction", "20 years of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan", "25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "20 years of Astana", "For contribution to the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union" II degree.
Nikolai Radostovets graduated from the Narxoz University (then the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy) in 1976 with a degree in economics. In 1990, he successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences at the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Nikolai Vladimirovich began his career in 1976 at the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, at various times holding the positions of an economist, junior researcher, scientific secretary, head of the creative group. Further career growth is connected with the positions of Executive Director of the "Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises", President of the Republican Association of Legal Entities "Union of Commodity Producers and Exporters of Kazakhstan". He held the positions of Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Support of New Economic Structures and Restriction of Monopoly Activities, as well as Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Price and Antimonopoly Policy of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 1998, Nikolai Radostovets was appointed chairman of the Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for regulation of natural monopolies and protection of competition. From 1999 to 2000, he served as the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2000 to 2004 work as chairman and vice-president of the Eurasian Industrial Association.
Nikolai Vladimirovich was awarded the Order "Kurmet".
Graduated from Narxoz University in 2003, Faculty of International Economic Relations. In his student years, Maxim Anatolyevich showed himself to be a conscientious student with obvious leadership qualities.
Immediately after graduation, Maxim Baryshev takes over the leadership of the development department of the Kazakh business cooperation center Atakent and simultaneously works in the professional magazine Information Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2007, Maxim Anatolyevich became the founder of The Boss Media group, and in 2014 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Academy of Professional Accountants Uchet. Currently, the Republican Fund for Supporting the Affected Business “Күшіміз бірлікте” is working under his leadership.
Being a recognized expert and a regular speaker at thematic conferences on the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Maxim Baryshev was appointed Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, Member of the Presidium of NCE "Atameken". High trust is the result of high-quality and professional work, many years of work and vast experience, the foundation for which was laid within the walls of our native University.
Ruslan Zheldibay was born in 1989 in the Zhambyl region. Taking a high start within the walls of Narxoz, he was immediately admitted into the highly esteemed British University. The diligent and purposeful graduate of the Bolashak program began his career in 2012 as an editor on the Kazakhstan TV channel. In 2012-2018 - Producer on the TV channel "Almaty". In 2018-2019 — acted as the head of the department for information work in the Internet space and social networks of the Committee for Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2019-2020 - Became Deputy Chairman of the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since May 2020, he has been the Deputy Head of the Internal Policy Department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 05.01.2023 appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration - Press Secretary of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Rakishev Kenes Khamitovich graduated from Narxoz University in 2002 with a degree in Economics.
Kenes Khamitovich - Kazakh businessman, president of the Fincraft holding Group (former Sat & Company ), Net Element , board member of FastlaneVentures, one of the founders of Singulariteam .
Included in the list of "TOP-50 richest businessmen of Kazakhstan". In the list of the richest businessmen of Kazakhstan according to Forbes for 2021, he ranks 9th.
He is the founder of the SingulariTeam fund, which specializes in investing in promising and technological start-ups.
Kenes Rakishev held the following positions: First Vice President of the Association of National Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vice President of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Member of the Board of Directors of Kazakhstan JSC petrochemical Industries Inc., Vice President of the Almaty Boxing Federation, Vice President of the Asian Boxing Confederation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the global technology company Net element International, Member of the Board of Directors of JSC NC "Kazakhstan Engineering, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "BTA Bank", Head of the Council for the Development of Youth Entrepreneurship of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "CLC "Kazkommerts-life", Member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Kazkommertsbank", Vice President of the Kazakhstan Boxing Federation.
Akishev Daniyar Talgatovich graduated from Narxoz University in 1996 with a degree in Economics.
Daniyar Talgatovich Akishev is a Kazakh statesman, Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan from November 2, 2015 to February 25, 2019, Assistant to the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy from April 9, 2019 to March 20, 2022.
Daniyar Talgatovich held the following positions: Leading Economist of the Central Asian Stock Exchange, Director of the Research and Statistics Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Social and Economic Monitoring of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Daniyar Talgatovich was awarded the following state and international awards and honorary titles: Order " Kurmet " (2014); Badge "Honored Worker of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2006); Medals: "For contribution to the development of the Eurasian Economic Union" ( 05/29/2019 ), anniversary medals - "Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздігіне 20 жыл (20 years of independence of Kazakhstan" (2011),"Теңгеге 20 жыл (20 years to tenge)" (2014), "Қазақстан халқы Ассамблеясына 20 жыл (20 years to the Assembly of Kazakhstan)"(2015), "Қазақстан Конституциясына 20 жыл (20 years to the Constitution of Kazakhstan)" (2015), "Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздігіне 25 жыл (25 years of independence of Kazakhstan)" (2016).
Bolat Uralovich graduated from Narxoz University in 1993, Faculty of Accounting and Economic Cybernetics.
Bolat Akchulakov is a Kazakh statesman and top manager who has dedicated his career to the oil and gas industry. With many years of experience behind him, Akchulakov has repeatedly held senior positions in the government of the country , including heading the Ministry of Energy.
Bolat Uralovich held the following positions: Vice Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006-2008), Vice Minister of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-2014), Vice Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017-2019), Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since January 11, 2022).
Kanatbek Bakhytovich graduated from Narxoz University in 2012 with a degree in Economics.
Kanatbek Bakhytovich in 2022, by decree of the head of state, was appointed Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head of the Department for Control over Consideration of Appeals of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kanatbek Bakhytovich held the following positions: teacher of the Kyzylorda branch of the Kazakh State Law Academy (2000-2001); Chief Specialist of the Court Administrator for the Kyzylorda region (08.2001-09.2001); Chief Specialist, Chief Inspector, Head of the Department of State and Legal Work of the Akim's Office Kyzylorda region (2001-2005); Head of the Legal Support Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005-2007); Lawyer of Kazakh LLP integrated Services " and "CNRG Capital " LLP (2007-2008); Deputy Head of the Akim's Office Kyzylorda region (2008-2010); Head of the Akim's Office of the Kyzylorda region (2010-10.2016); State Inspector of the Department of State Control and Organizational and Territorial Work, Deputy Head of the Internal Policy Department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( 10.2016 -04.2021); Head of the Department of State Control and Organizational and Territorial Work of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( 04.2021 -09.12.2022); Assistant to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Head of the Department for Control over Consideration of Applications of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 12/09/2022 ).
Marat Yeleusizovich graduated from Narxoz University in 2010 with a Master of Business Administration degree.
He began working in the tax authorities in July 1997 as a specialist, tax inspector, senior tax inspector, leading tax inspector, chief tax inspector, head of department, head of the Almaty Tax Committee .
From January to June 2022 - First Vice Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Since June 2022 - Akim of the Almaty region.
Awarded with a commemorative medal and the Order " Kurmet ".
Aset Nurlanovich graduated from Narxoz University in 2017 with a degree in Economics.
Aset Nurlanovich has been the Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan since January 2021.
Aset Nurlanovich held the following positions: System Administrator of the Operational Systems of the Administration Department of the Information Systems Directorate of Kazakhtelecom JSC (2009-2011); Expert, chief expert of the department of state policy in the field of information technologies of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011-2014); Managing Director of the Republican State Enterprise "Public Service Center", Astana (05.2014-09.2014); Managing Director of Kazpost JSC (09.2014-01.2018); Chairman of the Board of JSC "National Information Technologies" ( 01/29/2018 - 01/2021);
Aset Nurlanovich is also a member of the Council of Telecom Operators to consider the development of the telecommunications industry (since 05/08/2019 ).
He was awarded the medal "For loyalty to the cause" III degree.
Yulia Konstantinovna graduated from Narxoz University in 1998 with a degree in Banking.
She holds the position of Chairman of the Tourism Industry Committee under the Presidium of NCE " Atameken ".
Yulia Konstantinovna held the following positions: Leading, Chief Specialist of the Department of Banking Supervision of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (07.1998-10.2002); Expert, Director of the Department, representative in Astana, Managing Director of the ALE "Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan" (12.2002-06.2011); Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Council of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan (06.2011-03.2012); Advisor to the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (11.2013-10.2014); Deputy Chairman of the Board - Member of the Board of NCE RK " Atameken " ( 10.2014-04.2019 ); Advisor to the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Atameken" (04.2019-09.2019); Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" ( 10.2019 -09.2021).
Awarded with the following state and international awards and honorary titles: Public Order "Merey"; Honorary diploma of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev; Anniversary medal for the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medal of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan "The Best Financier", medal of the NEPK Union "Atameken" "For Loyalty to the Cause" II degree, anniversary medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" ( 12.2016 ).